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Blog: Launch: Evaluation Hackathon- 27 August to 1 October 2020

Hackathon image 2.jpg

Benita Williams

Posted 4 years ago

Schools are back, and slowly the support projects implemented by NGOs and other partners are getting back on track. Except, everything is different. Now, evaluators need to take into account a range of COVID-19 related contextual variables when evaluating initiatives in schools. Come and join the EduCOVID TIG Evaluation Hackathon, where we will develop joint indicators and tools to answer common evaluation questions.

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4 years ago Benita Williams commented :

In the hackathon, evaluators will craft some indicators and tools to answer common questions that educators, donors, implementers and the government has about the effect of COVID-19 in schools. 


To vote for, and submit, a question that the hackathon should include, please log in here with code: 726988441

(This is a general brainstorm, the questions will be consolidated and cleaned up a bit), 

To sign up as a team leader, hack participant, or peer reviewer, complete this survey by 
2020 08 28

6 months ago DR SHABBIR HUSSAIN commented :


femur bone anatomy – The femur bone is the longest, strongest, and heaviest bone in the human body.

It is located in the upper part of leg, extending from the hip to the knee .

The femur bone plays a vital role in supporting body weight, enabling movement and protecting various structures.

femur bone anatomy – Main anatomical features :


The rounded, ball-shaped proximal end of the femur bone that forms part of the hip joint.

It articulates with the acetabulum of the hip bone, allowing for a wide range of movements.


The narrow section just below the head that connects it to the shaft of the femur bone.

It is angled obliquely, allowing for optimal weight-bearing and transmitting forces from the head to the shaft.

Greater Trochanter:

The bony prominence which is located on the lateral side of the proximal femur.

It serves as an attachment site for various muscles that move the hip and thigh.

Lesser Trochanter:

A smaller bony prominence situated on the posterior and medial aspect of the proximal femur.

Similar to the greater trochanter, it serves as an attachment site for muscles involved in hip and thigh movement.

femur bone Shaft:

The long, cylindrical portion of the femur bone that extends from the neck to the distal end.

It is slightly curved and has a thick cortex to withstand weight-bearing forces.

Medial and Lateral Condyles of femur bone :

The two large, rounded articular surfaces at the distal end of the femur bone.

These condyles articulate with the tibia bone of the lower leg, forming the knee joint.

To know more about femur bone kindly click here