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JOIN SAMEATalk and other available Listservs

All SAMEA members and other individuals interested in the M&E environment in South Africa are invited to join SAMEATalk and other available listservs/mailing lists. Becoming a member of these mailing lists will enable you to interact with others about M&E related information on a more informal platform than on the SAMEA website. You will receive relevant information (news, events and activities), communicate with your colleagues, share interesting information, advertise employment opportunities and promote training courses and other activities of interest to the evaluation community in South Africa.

If you have not yet registered with SAMEA, you can register here. Please DO NOT re-register if you have registered in the past.

If you forgot your password, please reset it.

If you no longer have access to the email address you registered with, and you have forgotten your password, contact the SAMEA Administrator - [email protected]

Name of available listservs:

To join a listserv: 

  • Once you have registered with SAMEA, log back into the SAMEA website using your username and password you created
  • Go to your DASHBOARD page, scroll down until you see the 'Subscribe to the (relevant) listserv' prompt
  • Swipe to activate it 

To share news with the relevant listserv:

  • Once registered with SAMEA, you can send an email to the respective email address below: 
  • Address the email to (name of listserv) community eg EE TIG community
  • Full details in the body of the email.
  • The sender must also include: • workable hyperlinks (if applicable) • attach a PDF only (if applicable) • Sign off the email with full contact details • deadline dates (if applicable)
  • Once this email has been approved by the moderators, the email will be sent to all of the members subscribed to this listserv.

PLEASE NOTE: Listservs are moderated and messages are approved for distribution to prevent inappropriate mailing and to protect members' privacy.