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Other VOPE and knowledge sharing platforms

3ie evaluation repository

3ie’s Development Evidence Portal is the largest-of-its-kind repository of rigorous evidence on what works in international development. This portal includes evaluations and synthesis of studies conducted in low-and middle-income countries. It combines records from 3ie’s Impact Evaluation and Systematic Review repositories, as well as, evidence gap maps.

Africa Evidence Network

The Africa Evidence Network (AEN) is a community of people who work in Africa and have an interest in evidence, its production and use in decision-making.

African Evaluation Association

The African Evaluation Association (AfrEA) is a non-profit umbrella organisation for African Voluntary Organisations for Professional Development (VOPEs).

African Evaluation Database (AfrED)

The African Evaluation Database (AfrED) is a public repository of commissioned evaluation reports, academic articles on evaluation, and Masters and PhD theses on evaluation conducted in Anglophone African countries from 2005 to 2020. The construction of the AfrED database has provided some initial steps in creating a foundation of information to analyse in the making of research and capacity building decisions. It has the potential to propel the development of the evaluation sector in Africa in the right direction. Click to access the link to the database.

African Evaluation Journal

The African Evaluation Journal (AEJ) was conceptualised in 2009 as a key instrument to develop evaluation scholarship and authorship in Africa. The first edition was published in 2013 and launched at the 2014 AfrEA conference in Cameroon. Contributors to the journal have attempted to describe and interrogate the emerging theories and practices of evaluation in Africa in the context of Africa’s own original thinking within the global evaluation community.

American Evaluation Association

The American Evaluation Association is a professional association of evaluators devoted to the application and exploration of program evaluation, personnel evaluation, technology, and many other forms of evaluation.

BRIDGE Knowledge Hub

The BRIDGE Knowledge Hub is a repository for the knowledge products generated by our work with our members, and for a range of shared resources. As educators, we all suffer from information overload, and face challenges in terms of both volume and access to different kinds of documents. The Knowledge Hub includes a range of ‘knowledge products’, often related to the BRIDGE Focus Areas, to help with these challenges.

Better Evaluation

An international collaboration to improve evaluation practice and theory by sharing and generating information about options (methods or processes) and approaches.

DPME's evaluation repository

The Department of Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation produces several national monitoring and evaluation reports. Click here to access DPME's evaluation repository.

Department of Basic Education's evaluation repository

The Department of Basic Education produces several national monitoring and evaluation reports. The reports contained in this section span from 2011 to 2017.


IPDET is an executive training program that aims to provide decision makers, managers and practitioners with the tools that are required to commission, manage and evaluate policies, programs, and projects at the local, national, regional, and global levels as well as use those evaluations for decision-making. IPDET sets a great focus on practice and provides a diversified approach for audiences from different organizations and sectors who play different roles in the evaluation process.

USAID DEC House evaluation repository

The USAID Development Experience Clearing House provides access to over 10,000 USAID evaluations, spanning several decades of development activities at USAID.


This Voluntary Organization of Professional Evaluators (VOPE) Institutional Capacity Toolkit is a collection of curated descriptions, tools, advice, examples, software and toolboxes developed by VOPEs and other organizations working to support non-profit organizations.

World Bank Evaluations repository

Find out more about the World Bank Evaluations repository