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Mishkah Jakoet: Treasurer


My name is Mishkah Jakoet, and I’m a partner in a practice called Evaluation for Development at Genesis Analytics, a Global African consulting firm. I’ve been a member of SAMEA for a decade. I’ve benefited greatly from my membership – from skills development and learning in numerous workshops, to networking and collaboration opportunities.

Through SAMEA, I’ve also created invaluable relationships, including wonderful friendships. I gladly accept this nomination and would very much like to be considered for a SAMEA board position. Evaluators and evaluation face many opportunities, but like any growing profession, there are also challenges to overcome. Chief amongst these is ensuring that the profession stays abreast of myriad and interlinked social, economic, political and environmental changes. If evaluators don’t stay ahead of the curve, our work becomes less relevant and our input becomes less valuable.

This requires three conditions:

1) the profession attracts and retains high calibre, diverse and diversely skilled new entrants;

2) there are many learning pathways into and within the profession; and,

3) opportunities for dialogue and sharing are available. SAMEA, therefore, has an important responsibility to continue to create these conditions within the evaluation profession.

If appointed as a board member, I commit to supporting SAMEA to do so by continuing the work to support young and emerging evaluators, explore creative learning opportunities and ensure that learning focuses are needs-based, and engage members and board members alike on pertinent issues facing the sector.

Over the last 5 years, I’ve held leadership positions in the following professional and network organisations:

• Impact Measurement and Management Co-lead for the Aspen Network for Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE)

• South African chapter committee member for the Aspen Network for Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE)

• Chair of the International and Cross-Cultural Evaluation Topical Interest Group (TIG) of the American Evaluation Association (AEA)

• AEA representative for the International Working Group for Evaluation I believe very strongly that the evaluation profession requires committed volunteers who are willing to roll up their sleeves and do the hard work, if it is to continue to grow from strength to strength. In my role at Genesis, I am able to make the required time available. I also have the experience and resources available to contribute as is required of a SAMEA board member. So, the major contribution I intend to bring to SAMEA is being fully committed to its goals and objectives and working hard and smart to see these to fruition. Thank you for reading this statement of intent. If I am appointed to the board, hold me accountable to the contents of this statement and reach out if there is more that I can do to serve the needs of the South African evaluation profession.