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2022 Online Capacity Building Workshops

Introduction To Research For Evaluation presented by Dr. Christopher Phiri

Date: 27-29 June 2022 (course with 3 events)

Time: 9am-4pm each day

Purpose of the Workshop:

Engage and empower Emerging Evaluators (EEs) in the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) space, stimulate interest in the profession, and build their capacities to gain employable experience in M&E within South Africa and in the Southern African region.

Expected Participants:

EEs are monitoring and evaluation professionals with 5 years and lower of working experience in those fields, and they include one or more of the following:

  • New to the monitoring and evaluation field with limited training and keen interest to develop skills in this area.
  • Entry level monitoring and evaluation professional, with formal M&E training, but limited or no practical work experience.
  • Mid-career professions who have experience with research and would like to focus on M&E.
  • Private and Public sector practitioners with monitoring experience and no or limited evaluation experience.


To capacitate emerging evaluators in the field of M&E with adequate skills on conducting research and evaluations.

What it is about:

  • Acquiring and enhancing research and evaluations skills on research/evaluation methodologies and methods, data collection, analysis and report writing.
  • Practical involvement in designing Evaluation concept notes and TORs, evaluation proposal, evaluation designs, conduct surveys, data analysis and reporting.
  • Understanding the technical skills needed to participate in planning evaluations, including timelines, scope, evaluation type and management arrangements.


Conducting Evaluation Virtually During Times Of Crisis And Beyond presented by Taruna Gupta

Dates: 28-29 June 2022 (course with 2 events)

Time: 9am-1pm

Evaluation is constantly evolving, as the world evolves and is faced with different crises. There has been a drive to move towards conducting evaluations remotely which has presented its own set of challenges. Many commissioners have seen this as a good opportunity to save funds and reallocate limited resources.

SAMEA spearheaded the development of a guideline on virtual evaluation and training is being developed on this. This virtual evaluation training will share methodologies for collecting and presenting evaluation data and highlight the strengths and limitations of each.

At the end of the training session, participants should have a good understanding of the different methods and tools that are available for conducting evaluation remotely and be equipped to undertake one. We welcome participants who are planning to undertake a virtual evaluation and would be willing to field test the guideline.


The workshop programme and pricing can be found on the registration portal

Alternatively contact [email protected] for further information

Attached is the EE application requirements